Cheney School District

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Updated Masking Guidance

Dear Staff, Parents, and Guardians,

On February 17th I shared that Governor Inslee announced masking guidance which lifted the indoor mask requirement effective March 21st. Yesterday, Governor Inslee shared with the public that masking rules have been revised in light of new CDC guidance and the indoor mask requirement will be lifted effective March 12th. Also, the CDC has released the mask mandate on school buses and DOH guidance allows school districts to lift the mask requirements on school buses at the same time as the indoor mask release on March 12th.
Cheney Public Schools will follow the newest guidance and end mandatory masking in our schools and school buses starting on Monday, March 14th. As a reminder, some staff members and families will continue to wear masks indoors and on school buses after the mandate is lifted and I request that each individual’s choice be respected. As always, we expect that staff and children who are ill will refrain from coming to work/school. Please note that as of today, Cheney Public Schools has not yet received updated guidance from the Department of Health regarding other health and safety measures that may be changing, such as physical distancing, increased airflow, and cleaning and sanitation. I will update you on this guidance once it has been received and reviewed by district staff.

Rob Roettger, Superintendent