Cheney School District

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The Cheney School District is pleased to announce that Westwood Middle School teacher Lucas Jensen received an Educator of the Year award at the West Plains Chamber “Best of the West” awards gala on Nov. 8, 2019.

This award celebrates professional educators from K-12 environments in Cheney and Medical Lake who open student minds and expand the realm of the possibility for the next generation of local and world leaders.

Jensen, an eighth-grade science teacher, was nominated by Westwood principal Erika Burden and assistant principal Tami Skillingstad, who wrote the following upon his nomination: 

“Lucas Jensen is definitely an educator who opens students’ minds and expands the realm of possibility for our future leaders. Mr. Jensen is enthusiastic about both students and his content. He opens up the world of science and his enthusiasm is contagious, helping students to realize a future career in science is possible. His creativity in combining standards with relevant experiences is inspiring and engaging creating future scientists daily. Beyond the classroom, he advises numerous school dependent students after school and during the summer. Some of the performance-based clubs he has sponsored include DJ, archery, soapbox derby, 3D printing and most recently a school rock band. For the past seven years, students in these extended programs have experienced academic and social growth, supporting their eligibility for the College Bound Scholarship. Mr. Jensen truly understands the meaning of All Means All. He is a champion for our students, Westwood and the West Plains community.”


Congratulations to Mr. Jensen. The District is fortunate that he has chosen to share his expertise with the children of Cheney Public Schools.
