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Student Attendance

The BECCA Bill -- 
Administrators Toolkit

What is our responsibility as a school district?

Our primary responsibility is to ensure students are here at school every single day.  We are responsible for working with families to educate them on the importance of attending school.  The court system is here as a last resort for students who are frequently absent.  Our first line of defense is constant and timely communication with families.  In most cases there are interventions that schools can do that will remedy attendance issues. 

The following chart outlines our responsibilities as a school, as outlined by RCW28A.225:

Occasionally, and in spite of our best efforts, we will encounter students/guardians who still do not meet our state's compulsory attendance requirements.  When all actions we have done failed we are obligated by law to ask for court intervention.  This can be done in three basic steps. 

The following flowchart outlines those steps and also references the applicable paperwork that needs to be filed with the juvenile court: