Services & Programs
Special Education Services
Special Education services are provided to eligible students ages birth – 21. Federal and state regulations require that all public school districts have Child Find procedures in place so that students of concern can be identified, referred, and as appropriate assessed and placed in a program designed for their needs.
Developmental screenings and/or comprehensive assessments for children who are suspected of having a disability which could adversely affect their educational development are available at no cost to you. These services are available for persons between the ages of birth through 21 years of age.
Appointments or further information can be obtained by contacting your neighborhood school or Student Support Services at (509) 559-4530.
Public Participation
Any application and any required policies, procedures, evaluations, plans, and reports related to special education will be made readily available to parents and other members of the general public through the District’s Student Support Services Department. If you would like to review any of these, please contact us.
Parent Involvement
The district encourages parental involvement and the exchange of information regarding parents’ children so that we are able to provide appropriate services to students. Guidelines for who is considered a “parent” include parents, legal guardians, persons acting in the place of a parent such as relatives and stepparents, persons appointed as surrogate parents, and students aged 18 and above.
Special Education Procedural Safeguard for Students and their Families
The Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) requires schools to provide parents of a student who is eligible for or referred for special education with a notice containing a full explanation of the rights available to them under IDEA and the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction rules governing the provision of special education.
Referral Process
If at any time you believe your student may need special education, you should contact someone at your student's school and/or at your school district central office to request that your student be evaluated for special education. Each school has a student ASIST team that works to help teachers provide supports & strategies prior to referral to gather data on students identified as at-risk.
Specialized Program Descriptions
Inclusionary Preschool
Preschool programs are taught by certificated and classified early childhood educators. Sessions are two (2) full days per week and align with the start and end times of the elementary school day. Students may be registered for one (1) preschool session at a time in Cheney Public Schools. Preschool programs are available to students from three (3) years of age through five (5) years of age (on or before August 31). Preschool is offered at each elementary school in the district. Students with disabilities are served within the preschool classroom.
Resource Room
Resource Room support is to enable access to the general education curriculum via accommodations and modifications as well as, teach students the skills needed to demonstrate grade-level standards. Provides students specially designed instruction in qualifying areas in addition to the general education instruction. Services are not provided in place of the student’s regular instruction. Resource level support should primarily be delivered within the general education setting and only when data indicates should a student be pulled from the general education classroom for services.
Functional Academic Classroom
Students who have a significant developmental disability (cognitive, adaptive, and behavioral) who are unable to access the general education core instruction and require alternate/supplementary curriculum which has a strong foundation in functional-based skills. Participation in general education is primarily based on the generalization of social behavioral skills and provides opportunities to participate in enrichment and engagement with non-disabled peers. Behaviors that are demonstrated by students in this program are mainly correlated to their significant developmental delays and require systematic and explicit teaching of adaptive and behavioral skills.
Functional Communication Classroom
Students who have significant developmental delays and extremely limited (or no) expressive or receptive communication. Often referred to as non-verbal students. Students who need this service may also use their behavior as a means of communicating their needs in maladaptive ways. These students are not able to access instruction successfully in the Functional Academic Classroom.
Student Connections
Students who have significant behavioral deficits as a result of, or part of, a qualifying disability. Instruction is targeted to benefit each student at his or her ability level with an emphasis on developing positive behaviors. The focus of the program is to facilitate the development of age-appropriate skills required for success in the general education classroom (e.g. self-management, interpersonal relatedness, effective communication, and cooperativeness). Positive interventions and strategies to address the behaviors of concern are developed through behavioral intervention plans (BIPs) including information from a functional behavioral assessment (FBA). Some students may require self-contained or pullout programming, while others are served in general education classrooms with supplementary aids and services. Students are best served through a form of progressive release wherein students in elementary grades may be in a more restrictive setting working toward full inclusion by high school, with all students spending as much time as possible in the general education setting regardless of grade level.
Community Transitions (formerly known as CAPSTONE)
Students who have met all high school graduation requirements, except the high school and beyond plan, and are 18-21 years of age. Students will typically be accessing DDA services in the community after graduation. Students have or are working toward independence in transportation skills and may require independent living skills. Students participate in vocational opportunities to further develop skills and independence in community work sites. These students have been supported in Functional Academic Classrooms throughout their time in high school.