Multilingual Learners
The Multilingual Learners (ML) program is designed to assist students who do not speak English as their primary language. ML students participate in age-appropriate, mainstreamed classes that may include ML instructional support based on the student’s proficiency level.
As part of the registration process, new students will fill out a Home Language Survey which may indicate a language other than English spoken by the student. Those students will be assessed.
A state-approved language proficiency placement test (WELPA) is administered to those students identified through the Home Language Survey. Students scoring within the limited proficiency levels will be eligible for ML services. Parents/guardians will be notified through a letter if a student qualifies.
ML eligible students are administered an annual Washington Language Proficiency Test (WLPTII) in order to measure progress in English language proficiency and to determine further eligibility.
Contact Emma Noble at 509-559-4530.
Language Line Tutorial Videos