Strategic Plan
Cheney Public Schools Strategic Plan 2025
- Community and Facility Growth
- Exemplary School District
- Future Ready Outcomes
- Physical Safety
- Student Learning and Growth
- Student Well Being
Community and Facility Growth
Overview: CSD is a growing district community that will ensure facility expansion that brings our students and staff into learning spaces that are community-based, inspiring, and safe. |
Strategic purchasing of land that puts future schools where our students are. CSD will continue to work with local realtors and community partners to locate land in areas where community-based schools can be built at fiscally responsible costs. |
Executing our Facilities Committee Plan that builds schools that meet community growth and priorities. As a connected district serving community partnerships, CSD will continue with the comprehensive facilities plan developed by our facilities planning committee. Knowing the consideration and intentionality of the groups’ recommendations, is rooted in consideration of growth factors, community priorities, and fiscal responsibility. |
Maximizing school boundary zones and transportation routes that keep our students’ commute to school as close as possible. With a district footprint that exceeds 380 square miles, CSD will ensure that transportation routes and school zones ensure students attend schools with closest proximity. This prioritization will maximize the cost-effectiveness of our transportation department and ensure students are on the shortest routes possible, even when traveling longer distances. Honoring community-based schools connects students and families that are spread across distances and honors our historical context as a close community that lives across a vast landscape. |
Measurements: In place:
Exemplary School District
Overview: CSD will be an exemplary district that families seek out for their children to learn in, and district staff are proud to be a part of. |
Improved communication and transparency of quality learning taking place in our district. CSD will incorporate a comprehensive evidence “dashboard” on the district website to provide a live and regularly updated snapshot of student learning growth and strategic priority progress. This dashboard will share multiple measures of student learning that detail growth over time. |
Evidence of all staff and students in CSD learning at high levels that lead to outcomes that matter. In addition to the student learning dashboard on the district website, CSD will provide quarterly reports on the professional learning experiences and opportunities provided to district staff, and impact reports of professional learning on teacher practice and student learning outcomes. |
CSD is a connected and responsive district that serves communities as partners in investments, connected learning, and civic engagement. In continuing ethical stewardship of local, state, and national funding, CSD will incorporate procedures to include local stakeholder input and feedback throughout district decision-making processes. Families and student input will be part of every school improvement plan, multiple stakeholders will be part of the Portrait of a Graduate process, and regular communication of resource investment and student learning growth. |
CSD has evidence of “return of investment” with graduate outcome data that shows community impact from students. As part of transparent communication with all stakeholders, CSD will monitor post-secondary evidence of student impact on district communities through workforce, post-secondary enrollment, and civic engagement. By monitoring impact beyond graduation rates, CSD community partners can refer to graduate outcome evidence as a value-added component of their continued investment and partnership with our district. |
Measurements: In place:
Future Ready Outcomes
Overview: CSD's mission is to guarantee that ALL students learn at high levels and graduate with options for post-secondary education, careers, and civic engagement. To deliver on this guarantee, our district will prioritize future-ready outcomes for every student. |
Development of a Portrait of a Learner and Profile of a Graduate, PK-12 CSD will develop a Profile of a Learner for students PK-5 and a Portrait of a Graduate for students grades 6-12. This is a collaborative process with students, staff, families, and stakeholders to determine essential skills that articulate our graduate guarantee and build a portfolio of evidence for each of our students in support of their post-secondary goals. |
High School and Beyond planning process with students and families grades 6-12 To ensure each student and family in CSD has information and access to make the best choices in preparation for post-secondary goals, every student, starting in grade 6, will have a high school and beyond plan. Students and families will learn about course pathways starting in grade 6 and map out elective options, opportunities for class acceleration, and content concentration. Students and families will re-evaluate every year through grade 12 to ensure their learning pathway meets student and family interests and needs to graduate ready for post-secondary success. |
Integrating real-world learning experiences and community partnerships in core instruction. Every student in CSD will have an opportunity through coursework, field-based experiences, internships, or apprenticeships to experience real-world learning that develops transferable skills needed for college and the workplace. Through the Profile of a Learner and Portrait of a Graduate competencies, every student in CSD will have evidence of their skill development that could result in college credit, industry-recognized certification, and/or work experience. Students will be able to draw a direct connection from their learning to post-secondary goals. |
Instructional best practices that incorporate hands-on learning activities and projects that apply content in college and career settings. Professional learning and resource support for instructional best practices will incorporate hands-on learning that actively engages students in applied learning experiences to deepen their content knowledge. Professional learning and resources will reflect the most up-to-date research and connectivity to practices in college and career settings. Through the Profile of a Learner and Portrait of a Graduate's competencies, every student in CSD will have evidence from hands-on learning that correlates with workplace and college applicability. |
Measurements: In place:
Physical Safety
Physical Safety |
Overview: CSD will prioritize facility and procedural upgrades to align with the most up-to-date school safety regulations. |
The facility and capital bond funds will be used to invest in the most up-to-date accessibility and safety infrastructures at every school facility. School safety and accessibility for every student and family are essential to our district. Our district will continue to maximize the investment of facility-purposed funds to continue our guarantee of a safe and caring learning environment. Every child and family will be able to access and navigate our facilities and know that our facilities prioritize student, family, and staff safety. |
Communication of safety procedures to ensure that students and families are aware of and know what to do in cases of emergency. All CSD staff, families, and students will have access to safety procedure information through student handbooks, school and district websites, and drill preparation activities. To provide consistent information and updates in support of student safety, all staff, families, and students will receive communication about upcoming drills and a debrief of scheduled drills. Every staff member, family, and student will know their points of contact at the school and district level for safety procedures. |
Strong partnerships with local law enforcement and first responder agencies. CSD, in partnership with Airway Heights Police Department, employs three YES officers to support our district staff and student safety and emergency needs. CSD will also work closely with local law enforcement and first responder agencies to stay up to date in best practices for emergency drills and safety protocols, facility updates, and relationship building with partnering organizations to ensure the highest quality of support and communication. |
Measurements: In place:
Technological investments for modernized safety and communication resources. |
Student Learning and Growth
Overview: CSD has structured learning systems to align with the PLC at Work model that ensures every student learns at high levels with a guaranteed and viable curriculum and has access to support and extension in their school day. Through common end-of-unit assessments and weekly collaboration time for instructional teams, our district is able to support students in real-time and know districtwide how our students are meeting standards and growing academically. |
All students access grade level, engaging, affirming, and meaningful learning in every class daily. Every student in CSD will access grade-level content in their classes. The instructional methodology used in lessons will be engaging for students to learn at high levels. Learning experiences will build on student strengths and ensure their access to extension and support to affirm their success. Students' learning experiences are designed in intentional, student-centered ways that amplify meaningful growth and outcomes. |
PLC time for teachers to plan, share student learning evidence and collaborate on best practices to ensure high-quality Tier 1 instruction for every student daily. CSD is a PLC at Work district that ensures time for planning, student learning analysis, intervention, and extension support. Grade-level and content teams will meet weekly to review their lesson plans, analyze formative and summative learning data, and make real-time adjustments to support student success in learning at high levels and receiving real-time extensions and interventions. |
Sharing of best instructional practices across schools and levels to build instructional efficacy for high-quality Tier 1 learning for every student in our district. |
Evaluation of assessment results to inform district investment in professional development and resources. Assessment analysis at the school and leadership level will inform the District Guiding Coalition planning of professional development days, instructional and content resources through categorical funding, and possible grant funding opportunities. |
Communicate student learning growth with our community. School Improvement Plans for each school will be shared on the school and district website. CSD will have a live student learning dashboard on the district website that shares up-to-date learning evidence for end-of-unit assessments, benchmark assessments, and state assessments. Quarterly student growth reports will be shared in alignment with school improvement goal progress monitoring. |
Measurements: In place:
Student Well Being
Student Well Being | |
Overview: CSD cares for the well-being of every student. We will continue to invest in resources and experiences so that each student knows they are seen and valued as their authentic selves. | |
Provide resources and experiences PK-12 for students to build trusting relationships with peers and adults. Students at every grade level will engage in Social Emotional Learning experiences to help them build communication, conflict resolution, collaboration, and authentic relationship-building skills. Students will learn developmentally appropriate essential skills to be able to get along with others, communicate their needs, and overcome challenges. Students will engage with research-based resources, have focused time in advisory classes, and develop reflective habits that grow their well-being. |
Anti-bullying resources and procedures. Students at every level will access anti-bullying-specific learning and resources to increase their awareness of bullying, learn how to report concerns, and learn how to be upstander peers. CSD will also share anti-bullying resources and procedures with families to further support preventative actions and situational accountability. |
Ensure that student learning experiences are student-centered at the core of all instruction. To deliver on our guarantee that ALL students learn at high levels and are in safe, caring environments, all instructional planning will center students. Student interests, needs, differentiation, and representation will be part of lesson planning and facilitation so that all instruction centers the students in the room and engages them in learning success. |