Cheney School District

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Cheney FFA Students earn Greenhand Card

Cheney FFA Reporter Channa Cansler shared the following:
On Wednesday, November 14th the Cheney FFA Chapter had a meeting at Cheney High school in the agriculture room for floral design at 3:00 p.m. where at least ten people got to earn their greenhand card. This meeting was discussed by the officers at least two weeks before in a effort to get people their greenhand card as a first year award and first step into being in FFA. The officers Walker Ross, Channa Cansler, Hanne Hammel and Talon Hutton led the three groups where Hanne, and Walker (our vice president and treasurer) ,led the creed. Talon Hutton (president) taught the use of the FFA Jacket, and the Code of Ethics, and Channa Cansler (the reporter) taught the motto and the salute. Every kid went around to the stations and did what they needed to do in order to earn their degree for FFA. In the series of all of this we also came up with the plan of painting everyone's hand green and having them make turkeys. Sadly a lot of people left before they could make the turkeys. But at the end of all of this, they got ice cream before the meeting ended and officially earned their greenhand card. The kids learned the motto, salute, code of ethics, use of the jacket, and the creed.